I Hope Someday Cancer will just be a Zodiac Sign – Poem on World Cancer Day

Image Courtesy- Hope Against Cancer, Hope for Cancer Research Charity, Leicestershire & Rutland’s local Cancer Research Charity

Each year 4th of February is celebrated as “World Cancer Day” to increase the awareness about Cancers, one of the world’s deadliest group of diseases.

I’d written this poem about 7 years ago. Each stanza in the poem describes the difficulties a cancer patient faces. The first stanza describes the pain & hopelessness of diagnosis, the second describes treatment & its effects and the last one deals with defeating the cancer and being positive. The main message in chorus urges everyone to join hands and eradicate Cancer from Earth. If we all stand together, it’s possible:

“When darkness falls onto your door;
Would you even see the light of another day? You’re not sure.
Though great memories & caring people provide an armor,
But the hope has gone, leaving days & nights of painful horror.
The suffering grows each day, you think you don’t want to live anymore;
Because you think it’s the end of your world, what’s there to live for?

Though I don’t feel your pain, the way you do;
But I’ll do whatever it takes to help you make it through.
If we all unite, together it is possible;
Because we humans have always triumphed over the darkest maligns.
I hope someday cancer will just be a zodiac sign;
And till we see that day, we’ll keep on trying.

When you feel like that beast has taken your beauty away,
And you think, if you go in the crowd, you’ll lose your way.
Don’t listen to people, let them say whatever they may;
Trust me, you’re more Beautiful with your every new birthday.
Each day the Sun will give new hope with its blazing rays;
And just take those medicines without any delay & soon everything will be okay.

Though I don’t feel your pain, the way you do;
But I’ll do whatever it takes to help you make it through.
If we all unite, together it is possible;
Because we humans have always triumphed over the darkest maligns.
I hope someday cancer will just be a zodiac sign;
And till we see that day, we’ll keep on trying.

Welcome! Here you come like a soldier back from the war;
With that victorious smile & a few proud scars.
Now you’re at home & those bitter memories are far,
And no more hospital’s empty-whiteness, everything’s the way you like, it’s familiar.
My life would have been shattered without you, you’re its strong pillar;
And now when darkness comes in my life, you’re always there like a bright guiding star.

Though I don’t feel your pain, the way you do;
But I’ll do whatever it takes to help you make it through.
If we all unite, together it is possible;
Because we humans have always triumphed over the darkest maligns.
I hope someday cancer will just be a zodiac sign;
And till we see that day, we’ll keep on trying.
We’ll keep on trying…”

Following is a list of few Cancer resources:

While we tried to put links from authentic sources and Government sites; if you have any possible cancer symptom, it’s best not to rely on internet info and visit multiple doctors to be really sure.

Almost all of the cancers are treatable and in earlier stages, most of them are even curable.

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Till the next time, keep improving yourself, stay positive, see the joy around you, radiate happiness, stay emotionally resilient, take care and keep trailing on your Untrailed Path. 🙂

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