On A Slow Suicidal Track- An Inspiring poem for quitting Smoking on World No Tobacco Day

World No Tobacco Day

Hiding from my wife and children, I secretly walk out of the house;
I can’t resist the feeling that this smoking arouses.
I light up the cigarette every 20 minutes without a break;

Though I’d love to live long, but I know I’m walking on a Slow Suicidal Track.


Though I love her a lot, but still we often fight;
The never ending discussion of what is wrong and what is right?
I’d love to somehow fill our relation’s ever occurring cracks;

Though I want to live a happy life, but with smoking, I know I’m walking on a Slow Suicidal Track.


In the price of my expensive cigarette, a hungry soul could have a meal;
In the time I finish one, 50 children would have lost their lives, it’s true but seems so unreal.
I never knew with my one cigarette so much was at stake;

Though I’d like to save their lives but with smoking I find myself on a Slow Suicidal Track.


My kids don’t come close to me, my breath repels them;
My wife won’t love, my parents won’t talk, my life, it is mayhem!
They all in one voice say, if I don’t quit smoking, there won’t be many candles on my birthday cake;

I know they’re right, but still I haven’t quit, I’m still walking on this Slow Suicidal Track


Though I’m pretty young but I can’t walk long, don’t feel strong, I feel very old;
“This Cigarette is a medicine my friend”, Oh! It all began with this lie that so called “friend” sold!
The blood, the cough, the cancer and tar have filled up to my mouth and my neck;
And I being an idiot still walked on the Slow Suicidal Track.


I don’t want to suffer it all just to light the fire and to give in to my pity desire;
If I don’t quit I’d lose it all, now to quit it forever is what I aspire.
I suffered a lot, I had enough, this misery has to end and now there’s no turning back!
I Stop, I Quit, I know I have walked enough on this Slow Suicidal track.


Please listen my friend, if you use tobacco or smoke it too,
Don’t give in, the quitting is hard just in the first month or two.|
Now since you’ve begun don’t fallback, attack! there’s nothing you lack,
There’s no use on walking on this, let’s smack! this dirty Suicidal Track!”

On this
World No Tobacco Day

Quit Smoking!


            Choose life over death, Choose happiness over misery!
End the suffering, begin living!
1216 people quit smoking everyday, by dying!
Please don’t be part of this statistics.
If you agree with the message of the poem and you know someone who smokes, then share, pass it on and spread the words, so more people can live!

We Human, can always, have always and will always triumph over the darkest maligns! And this is just a pity desire. Throw the cigarettes into the trash. This time let this misery be smoke and disappear into air, while you breath in fresh air.

Of all deaths, one out of six die because of smoking. To put this into context, in the US alone, tobacco kills the equivalent of three jumbo jets full of people crashing every day, with no survivors. On a worldwide basis, this equates to a single jumbo jet every hour. (Source- Health Effects of Smoking).

Lot of people consider only Cancer as the harmful effect of Smoking, they’re completely wrong. Here are effects of smoking, ignoring 12 types of cancer it causes: What are the effects of smoking if we ignore Cancer?

If you smoke you’re a danger not only to your self but to people around you, people you love, the whole society and the whole Humanity! There is a chance that 33% people around you will get the cancer and die due to Passive Smoking.

This poem and Man of Wisdom is part of a collective project to make the World a Better Place, called The Project for A Better World Without Diseases, Disaster and Despair.


Part 2 of Characters and Virtues of Self Caring series on Developing Character and Building Moral Code would be published tomorrow, on Thursday 1st June. Last post on essential virtues and how to build them is here.

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Be kind. Stay positive. Radiate happiness. Goodbye. Take care. Keep Trailing on your Untrailed Path. 🙂

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